The preparation of a psychologist, in a psychoanalytic paradigm, involves getting acquainted with archetypal ability of the subject’s psyche to be transcoded into visualized representatives with the preservation of information equivalents. Such visualized representatives may be different means of objectification, which include an archetypal intentionality (emotional non-indifference), in particular, a modeling, a psycho drawing “my tattoo”, author’s thematic drawings, reproductions of artistic canvases (offered to choose), etc. It is accentuated that unconscions simultanuously curtained contents are implicitly typical of materialized representants. The process of deep knowledge involves the emotional “revival” of the representant in a dialogical interaction with the respondent. The transcendentnis of information equivalents provides the independence of deep cognition from the peculiarities of metaforic simbolizing of psyche into visualized forms in connection with the invariance of their information equivalents, which should be taken into account by the psychologist in his practical work. The article provides a fragment of psychoanalysis using reproductions of artistic canvases.
Keywords: conscious; unconscious; psychological defence; representant; information equivalent; archetype.